Thames Valley Childcare

Childrens Homes - Childrens Info Page


Westview is situated in Wiltshire close to the countryside, and is a home for 3 children. There are 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 shower-room, 2 toilets, a fully stocked kitchen, living room/games room, a dining room and garden.

There is also a meeting room which you may want to use when meeting your family or social worker

Choice of activities

You can choose from many activities while living with us. Some children may like to go to the Guides, Scouts, Brownies or Cubs.

We have a local swimming pool nearby; you can go to local parks and join in sports activities, such as Saturday clubs and youth clubs.

Swindon's bowling, ice-skating and cinemas are all close by.

Choice of menu

You will be encouraged to help staff plan a menu for your food so that you can choose some of your own favourites, help to shop for food and sometimes help to cook it. This is to make sure you eat a healthy diet and enjoy your food.

Your room

You will have a room of your own.

You will be encouraged to personalise your room your way. Posters, pictures, places for favourite items and you will have your own lockable box to keep things safe. (If you would like a member of staff to keep valuable things safe, they will put them away until you want them back)

GP (Doctor)

You will visit a local doctor to help with your medical care. You can choose to see any one of the doctors in our local surgery. You will also see a dentist regularly to keep your teeth healthy.

Telephone calls

You can use the telephone to call friends and family and you can use it in private if you want to. Staff will help you make a call if that would be easier for you. Friends and family can ring you in the evenings and at weekends


During the school holidays we get involved in lots of different activities. A week's holiday will be provided for you during the school summer break.


Keeping in touch with home, visits to you from friends and family, visits to them by you phone calls and perhaps letters. These will be some of the things planned in your reviews. How often or when you go will depend on your personal situation and you will be involved in planning these whenever possible. Your friends will always be welcome at Westview and if you make arrangements with staff, you can have them round to visit or stay for tea.



A big word but very important. You may be living with children from different cultural backgrounds, but everyone will be treated equally, whatever their race, colour or religion.

Everyone has a right to be listened to and his or her ideas and beliefs respected.

Staff will help all children to keep in touch with their racial and cultural backgrounds. It is important that you learn how to respect others and treat everyone equally.


This is about how you manage yourself. Most of the time we are in control of things, but sometimes things don't work out as planned and we can lose control.
What then?!

Staff will talk to you and will help you regain control of yourself; they will encourage you to take time out in your room, especially when you are angry or upset.
If these things don't work and you try to hurt yourself/others or damage things, then you may need to be held to help you gain control.
So it is all about keeping safe.
It is important that you talk things through afterwards to help stop it happening again.


It's important that you keep clean and take care of how you look, as this helps you to feel good about yourself.

You will be given washing items such as soap, shampoo, deodorant, towels, flannel, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, etc.

You will be encouraged to bathe and shower regularly, and you will have plenty of clean clothes(including school uniform - think we would forget??).


Remember to look after your clothes, they need to be washed regularly, the staff will help you do this


Everyone needs some time on his or her own. Maybe you'd like to listen to some music in your bedroom, read a book or take a nap. Remember everyone has different needs, staff will help you plan time for yourself.


Many children bring personal stereos and other belongings: toys, teddy bears, dolls etc. This will help you feel more at home as these are the important things in your life.
You will get a box to lock your personal things in, remember, though the staff will help you keep your things safe, they are your responsibility.


Everyone has to go to school, and so will you. It may be a school that you are familiar with, or it may a new school.
All the staff will help you settle in at the school, they will visit to talk to your new teacher and help you with school projects and homework.

Remember that school is important and we want you to do well.


Everyone has at least one keyworker, each week you will be able to spend some time with your key worker. Living away from home is not easy, if you're worried or upset; your key worker is the person who will sort things out for you.
Everyone at Westview is there to help and look after you, but your keyworker has a special interest in helping you personally and will draw up a work plan to look at your individual needs.

Pocket money

You will get pocket money each week, how much depends on your age. You will be encouraged to save some to buy things you may need later.

House rules

What happens if you break the rules?

If you break the basic rules that have been explained to you, then staff have the right to ask you to go to your room or can remove your privileges(such as watching a favourite T.V programme and using computer games).

These are called sanctions, if you receive a sanction it will be explained to you and written in a book. You will have to sign this book so you know why you have been sanctioned.


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